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The Body Shop Acai Body Butter Duo — the product of the day

Tanya 11 апреля 2012 0

I’ve been sure for a long time that I like body cremes very badly. This wrong perception was based on quantiny of body creme bottles I have at home (two Ikea boxes are occupied by them, both very heavy).

But the product of the day made me realize the reality. I can’t stand them! Because I use none of ones I have. So to say I’m interested in body care and always wait for someone to create something extraordinary. Or for a smell that I’d like so much that it’ll make me use the creme every day. Of a texture that will conquer me. Well, it conquers. I like it, right. But I still don’t use it.

Acai Body Butter Duo by The Body Shop appeared as a rare exception.


I still don’t use it every day. And I’ve even forgotten to take it with me to Kenya (where it would have been very useful, by the way). But every time I think of body care, I use this one.

It’s a double thing:


The first time I saw this kind of design by Avon, they had divided night and day eye cremes within one jar. Here there are two textures divided. One is more dense, rich, almost solid for very dry areas of skin. Another is familiar cream one for all the rest areas.

I like both textures (although I guess I like the dense one even more and don’t mind using it all over the body (the argument is that it gets pleased so rarely and why save creme?)). Both of them moisture well (my foot skin is dry so it’s easy to test), but the dense one is oily and leaves a light oil gloss. I like the smell of asai flovers too (at least something springlike at this weather!). I’m not sure if asai gives all these bonuses that Lera skromni_beauty told us so well about. Speaking about supplements I guess it’s more about the trendy ingredient and pleasant aroma.

Now I’m scared only of that I’ve told you about the creme and I’ ll stop using it (I’ve told you and that means I should start using something new!).

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