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Test drive: Kiehl’s Double Strength Deep Wrinkle Filler

Яна Зубцова
Яна Зубцова 8 сентября 2011 0

Dear friends, you can’t even imagine in what kind of field conditions this post is being written. I am literally reporting to you directly from Schiphol airport in Amsterdam where a wi-fi crisis has unexpectedly occurred. So, if you read these lines on 7 September at night or in the morning on 8 September, then it means I found it (the wi-fi) in the end. And if you read them on 8 September in the evening, then I didn’t 🙂

The tough fate of a beauty editor took me the Netherlands. And, to be honest, I was going to blow your minds with the sensational announcement of a launch of a very interesting Dutch make-up brand. The launch should take place in October, and I’m aaawfully proud of myself because I was there – as the only journalist – when the final decision was being taken. And I was, therefore, the only journalist to exclusively announce the launch of the brand in Russia.

Basically, I was practically swollen with pride and burning with the desire to tell and show you everything, but then I suddenly realized that the pictures of the cosmetics cannot be transferred from a camera onto an iPad without a computer 🙂 (I can be very clever at times, I know).

Because of that, the sensational announcement has to be postponed a little. For now, we will have to make do with the feedback left for Kiehl’s Double Strength Deep Wrinkle Filler, the appearance of which was commented on by Yulia, and which I have been diligently testing ever since. Here it is in my hands – the picture was providently uploaded before the trip.

It either already has come out or will appear in stores very soon. And yes, it’s something like an instant wrinkle filler that gives you an effect which lasts until the first cleanse.

At first glance, it seems there already is quite a lot of such stuff. (The first ones in this respect were, if I’m not mistaken, the imaginative Japanese. First, a similar filler was launched by Cle de peau, then by Kanebo, then, I think, Estee Lauder and everyone else followed suit :)). And since I’ve been around a long time, I’ve tried them all. And they all did their job to a greater or lesser extent. Being a fairly generic mix of silicone and some light-reflecting substances, they masked what needed to be masked. (For some reason, I don’t like the word imperfections. It sounds like it was taken out straight from a manual for sales assistants who are taught how not to insult a customer. But let’s be honest with the language – those damn wrinkles do not deserve a euphemism. Let’s be honest with ourselves, too;))

Generally, I’ve always been grateful to that kind of cosmetics for temporarily, but still, effectively masking wrinkles.
But my favourite brand Kiehl’s has shown me yet again that my love is not unrequited. It was the first brand – and if it wasn’t, then please correct me and I will eagerly make an apology – to create a silicone-free wrinkle filler that would contain hyaluronic acid instead. That’s the trick that my co-blogger Yulia was unable to figure out before the presentation. And even though I do not belong to the small (OK, maybe not that small) group of girls who freak out at the sound of the word silicone, the lack of the very same silicone and, more importantly, the presence of hyaluronic acid makes me happy.

Because silicone, no matter how you look at it, makes it difficult for the cells to breathe.

And hyaluronic acid, no matter how you look at it, makes their life easier.

In addition, according to the commercial of Kiehl’s Double Strength Deep Wrinkle Filler, four weeks of continuous application gives you a distinct therapeutic effect. That is, it not only fills wrinkles in for a day, but also erases them…(I wish I could say forever but my conscience won’t let me). Let’s say it diminishes them. That’s how its creators designed it to work.

The instant effect is provided by hyaluronic acid, which is present in the serum in the form of micro spheres:). Those spheres kind of diffuse the light and give that Photoshop-like effect. Plus, those synthesized molecules of hyaluronic acid deeply penetrate the skin. There they perform the final solution of the wrinkle question. And if you apply the serum in the morning and at night onto clean skin, wrinkles will become shorter and more shallow.
That’s what we were promised at the presentation.
And here’s what we get in reality. From my own experience, I can say this: I don’t know anything about spheres, but the wrinkles around my eyes were practically invisible right after the first application. The serum reflects the light perfectly and fills whatever needs to be filled.
Still, you should apply only a little bit of it. If you feel tempted to apply more – hold yourselves back. Otherwise it will gather into grudges, especially around the eyes, where the skin is thin. In such a case, you will certainly have problems with the application of make up. But, generally, it is really ease to apply make up on it. You should pat it on like a concealer – don’t spread it, pat it on. Throughout the day you can additionally apply it on top of your make up to enhance the masking effect. And it is better to apply the serum with you finger tips instead of using the tube as a syringe (like it is shown in the commercial). Otherwise, you may overdose as you only really need a tiny amount of it.
In this way, your wrinkles disappear instantly. For a few hours, yes, but it’s true. And if we emphasize the fact that Kiehl’s Double Strength Deep Wrinkle Filler is not colour cosmetics with a therapeutic effect, but therapeutic cosmetics with a decorative effect, then we can say this: the skin around the eyes becomes tighter and somehow thicker to the touch. All in all, it makes the skin happy.

I’m generally happy, too. Still, some things could be improved: after 4 weeks of applying Kiehl’s Double Strength Deep Wrinkle Filler, I still don’t seem under age – sadly, I could buy alcohol and even some more interesting stuff in Amsterdam without having to show my ID.

(Пока оценок нет)
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